Feel It Don't Resist It

Feel it don’t resist it 

Travel through it unafraid

For it will call you, it will tempt you

You’ll find its strength, it doesn’t fade.

Feel it don’t resist it

Stand and gaze the face of fear

Just remember when it calls you

You are stronger, with it near. 

Feel it don’t resist it

Embrace it like its fashion

It’s here to teach, it’s here to probe

Inspire you, ignite your passion.

Feel it don’t resist it

Though the urge will come to flee

Feel it all, resist it not

For its blessing is peace & harmony.

Tricia Schwaba 2024

The Mountains Are Calling

They are the miraculous result of century upon century of
shifting tectonic plates
from heated eruptions
The mountains call me
I listen
I will go to them, climb them, seek shelter from them, honor them
I will absorb their wisdom as I have so gratefully drawn upon
the wisdom of the pines—
my lifelong protectors
Perhaps it is my older and wiser state that calls me to their majesty
Perhaps I am called
to the foundation of creation
as I come nearer the time
I will be released
into the harmonious flow of the heavens
I wait with an open heart

Tricia Schwaba 2024

I Suppose

I suppose the voice has been with me since before my time on Earth.

And once I was conceived it guided the timing of my birth

Into the perfect circumstance for just that prime succession

Of events that would bring the lessons that would eliminate my obsessions.

I suppose that my mom and dad were chosen specifically for me

That the combining of their energies would offer exactly what I needed

To evolve into the adult that I have so uniquely become

To stand upon my mountaintop and beat my solitary drum.


I suppose that when I leave the Earth there will be a certain kind of heartache

& my energetic influence will be shifted to another time and place

Perhaps that voice will call, to remind me of what lives on

As I find an orbit in my new found sphere and new oceans to make waves upon.

Tricia Schwaba Poetry, from the archives