Mondays & Wednesdays

9:30 - 10:45

June 24 — August 28

Classes are $13

Payment Options — Pay Online OR Paypal, Venmo, Zelle, Cash Drop In

  • You do not need prior yoga experience but you must be able to transition from standing to seated/reclined and back to standing.

  • Based on traditional guidelines for yoga this class is a Gentle to Level 1 class. If you’re looking for a “Power Yoga” class I’m not the teacher for you.

  • I am your guide for the class but your body is a better guide. Trust it.

  • Dress in layers as the northwoods mornings can be cool and I cannot guarantee the temperature of the room is comfortable for all.

  • Bring your own mat and a blanket or a large towel and other props if you use them. I do have a few extra mats and some blocks but cannot guarantee their availability.

  • Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.