Lunar New Year
Today begins the Year of the Snake according to the Chinese Zodiac.
Today’s a great day to clear out the clutter physically and emotionally- release the old shit that does not serve you or the greater good.
Today begins renewal. Add good stuff whatever that means to you.
Do what you must to stay strong and clear during this very tumultuous time in our nation and around the globe.
Wishing you peace, prosperity and good health ❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜🤍
Wood Snake Art by Grace Noel
Fabulous book for all but especially those with anxiety
Fabulous book for all but especially for those with anxiety.
Ursula K. Le Guin
Source: “A Left-Handed Commencement Address, Mills College, 1983
Nina Simone
No fear 💕
Martin Luther King Jr.
“Every time we realize a little bit of Martin Luther King’s dream,
it triggers nightmares in men of low character.”
Via Sean Casten, (Dem-Il) quoting a friend
Arundhati Roy, author of The God of Small Things
“To love. To be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity of life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect strength, never power.
Above all, to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never, never to forget.”
Art by Sonia Vakeiro
May You Continue... A New Year Wish
My wish for you is to claim witness to your own beauty
To continue to see yourself well beyond the filter of humanity
To nourish the subtle energy that flows through you
That sustains you, that transports you, that loves you
That is you
My wish is that you continue to offer yourself unfettered love
That you honor your practices of self care
The reverent practices of self sustenance
The practices that are kind
And may you splash that kindness outward
My wish for you is that you take your long spine out into your world
That you continue to stand proudly root to crown in your gracefully aging body
Releasing the petulant kinks that inhibit pranic flow
That you ground like the pines deeply and securely
Never toppling despite the threatening storm
Being a balanced inspiration for she who is untethered
My wish for you is that you continue to honor your unique power
By gently bestowing it outward
Pouring it into the inevitable pockets of weakness you will encounter
Continuing to be the steady unwavering beauty-drenched soul you are
These are my wishes for you today
And for the rest of your days
Tricia Schwaba 2024
Jimmy Carter- May he rest in peace & power
Robert Ranulph Marett-- Dormancy & Growth
Have the Fries
Tricia Schwaba 2024
Julie Paschkis Art
Push it away, get more
Wonder--Is Always An Edge State
Art Source- Idyl Wyld
Maria Popova
Thank You Everything by Icinori
The following images are from the book
Thank You Everything, An Illustrated Love Letter to the World
by Icinori
The text following the pics is from Maria Popova regarding the book
Ellad J Balde on the Ice
Love After Love, Derek Walcott
Forever Constant
Time it fades
Wisdom it expands
Love is constant
Making no demands
Tricia Schwaba, 2024
Chris Martin (Coldplay) & Dick Van Dyke
If you grew up with Dick Van Dyke (or if you didn’t) this is not to miss.