Take No Shit
Good Morning,
I grateful you are in this world— that you bring your vital energy to this experience that is life. And that I get to practice with you! I intend daily, to make living in love, integrity and authenticity a practice, just like coming to the mat. Some days I am more resistant than others, even unsuccessful, but I keep practicing. Moving through the backside of life has helped me to focus on what is important— love, compassion, gratitude and taking no shit. Is taking no shit worthy of being aligned with love compassion and gratitude? Absolutely. Taking no shit means valuing yourself enough to dissipate the farce someone is throwing your way. I would argue that calling people out is strength and shows care of self as much as exercising or making nutrition a priority. It also honors your voice, nourishing and balancing the throat chakra, clearing out energy that gets stuck in the narrow pathway between the heart and the mind. Don’t let truth get stuck in your throat. Freely release it with loving intention.
Love, stay strong, breathe deeply and speak your mind. You never know— it may just ease your neck pain :O
Have the Fries
The Fluidity of Truth
“Doing it right the first time” does not always look the same way. Truth is a dance where the rules and certainties change with the circumstances. This fluidity is what makes truth so interesting. because of it’s marriage to nonviolence, Truth has a fluidity about it. In one situation truth shows up boldly and courageously, as when we do a tough intervention on a loved one who is faltering under alcoholism. In another situation, truth shows up in a most gentle way, as when we heap praise upon a young child’s diligent artwork. Both of these examples show a different flavor that he practice of truth takes when it is partnered with the love of nonviolence. The compassion of nonviolence keeps truthfulness from being a personal weapon. It asks us to think twice before we walk around mowing people down with our truth, and then wonder where everyone went.
The fluidity of truth also requires that we clean our lens, and periodically get new glasses with which to observe the world.”
Deborah Adele, The Yamas & The Niyamas
Creative Streak Sparks
art source saatchiart.com
We need your voice, don’t hide in the closet
Your creative streak mines a valuable deposit
In the coffers of the Earth and the great human spirit
Can you feel it, smell it, taste it, can you hear it?
The days of self doubt and tamping down are through
You are needed to help the collective pull through
This sludge of the patriarchal nightmare breaks down
Revealing an equity we’re peacefulness-bound
Bring out your truth, your words, your kindness
Your spontaneous true heart, let yourself find this
The energy that keeps us all afloat
Must come from dispelling the fears by rote
Say what you feel, dive into that pool
Be free to tell the tale, be daring, be cool
The only way to uncover this prosperous bliss
Is to speak out in tumultuous times like this.
Tricia Schwaba, June 2020
Say What You Need To Say
art source, Joan Armatrading album Lovers Speak
Please don’t spend another ounce of energy holding back that which must be said. If you do not say it now it will only lie in wait taking up crucial space as more and more ideas and feelings come up that need release and before you know it there will be a queue of things that need to be said within you and that back up could be trouble for your mental and physical health and worse, you may not have time to say them all.