The Fluidity of Truth

“Doing it right the first time” does not always look the same way. Truth is a dance where the rules and certainties change with the circumstances. This fluidity is what makes truth so interesting. because of it’s marriage to nonviolence, Truth has a fluidity about it. In one situation truth shows up boldly and courageously, as when we do a tough intervention on a loved one who is faltering under alcoholism. In another situation, truth shows up in a most gentle way, as when we heap praise upon a young child’s diligent artwork. Both of these examples show a different flavor that he practice of truth takes when it is partnered with the love of nonviolence. The compassion of nonviolence keeps truthfulness from being a personal weapon. It asks us to think twice before we walk around mowing people down with our truth, and then wonder where everyone went.
The fluidity of truth also requires that we clean our lens, and periodically get new glasses with which to observe the world.”

Deborah Adele, The Yamas & The Niyamas