create art

Creative Streak Sparks

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We need your voice, don’t hide in the closet

Your creative streak mines a valuable deposit

In the coffers of the Earth and the great human spirit

Can you feel it, smell it, taste it, can you hear it?

The days of self doubt and tamping down are through

You are needed to help the collective pull through

This sludge of the patriarchal nightmare breaks down

Revealing an equity we’re peacefulness-bound

Bring out your truth, your words, your kindness

Your spontaneous true heart, let yourself find this

The energy that keeps us all afloat 

Must come from dispelling the fears by rote

Say what you feel, dive into that pool

Be free to tell the tale, be daring, be cool

The only way to uncover this prosperous bliss

Is to speak out in tumultuous times like this.

Tricia Schwaba, June 2020