Today's Rules For Living, A to Z

Art Source: Evanston Public Library

Ask the tough questions
Believe the answers
Create your own space
Do what feels harmonious
Feel it all
Go to the heart
Have courage and call out the BS
Invent ways to circumvent your demons
Just be
Know you’re good right here
Let it be
Marry yourself not to another but to your authentic self
Never shame— nourish
Opt for joy
Piece it together
Quite your whining
Rest when you can
See your own beauty
Treat yourself with respect
Unveil your darkest secrets to yourself
Vibrate to the universal rhythm
Wells of goodness are real
X-cavate your buried treasure
Yes you really can be free
Zest all citrus :O

Tricia Schwaba 2022

Carolyn Myss on Biography Becoming Biology

Caroline Myss, Author & Medical Intuitive

Every thought you have had has traveled through your biological system and activated a physiological response. Some thoughts are like depth charges causing a reaction throughout the body. A fear, for instance, activates every system of your body: your stomach tightens, your heart rate increases, and you may break into a sweat. A loving thought can relax your entire body. Some thoughts are more subtle and still others are unconscious. Many are meaningless and pass through the body like wind through a screen, requiring no conscious attention, and their influence upon our health is minimal. Yet each conscious thought— and many unconscious ones—does generate a physiological response. All our thoughts regardless of their content, first enter our systems as energy. Those that carry emotional, mental, psychological or spiritual energy produce biological responses that are then stored in our cellular memory. In this way our biographies are woven into our biological systems, gradually, slowly, every day.
— Caroline Myss, Anatomy of the Spirit