As I Age

Girl on Moon

I am not impressed by the common celebrity. I am not interested in she whose predestined circumstances, granted by virtue of financial fortune, influence of the powerful or superficial attributes have carried her into the spotlight. It is not she, who has had privilege round every corner of her life whom I hold in high esteem, but she who has had nothing much at all, and still prevails. She who impresses me, is the person who despite the weight of her load moves forward with grace and kindness, exhibiting unimaginable stamina. She who has but just enough to live, sometimes less, yet goes on living with joy and appreciation. She has no time or tolerance for an unabashed ego, no need for a massive house to display things she doesn’t touch or rooms that go unused. She is the wise one, the teacher, It is she who understands the true burden of human-ness. It is she I want to talk to.  It is she that is the goddess. It is she that I wish we will all, one day, celebrate.

Tricia Schwaba, 2020