Facets and Hues

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The sun is shining through strongly this evening. It comes from behind our house and shines onto the bay in front highlighting the trees on the opposite side of the lake making them appear nearly fluorescent. The easy wind picks up occasionally and the glass-like water gives way to a cluster of ripples, a choreography of facets and hues. Then glass again. “Our” deer family, all females, have returned looking now, not for the corn we bestowed upon them in the depths of the icy winter, but for the natural resources beginning to sprout from our front yard, a yard of soft mosses and still undetermined shoots, life sustaining to these graceful, skittish, creatures. They are hyper aware, like me, searching for predators, hearing the softest sounds, with pairs of tall ears twitching, quick independent directional movements each on their own wavelength. They see my slight movement from behind the picture window some 20 yards away. The alpha stops, staring me down looking right through me, then relaxing her jaw shifts right and left breaking down the good fortune of the nourishment she has found. Empathically I still myself. I too am sensitive to predators on the move in this particular humanity. I watch in wonder, sending out the gratitude I feel every time they visit. She  goes back to foraging. I breathe deeply. Her long legs are thin, belying her power, one that can catapult her over an obstacle 4 feet high with graceful confidence. I hear a loud noise from the south. All 4 deer heads rise in unison from the ground they were inspecting, and turn towards the sound. I stretch to see if I can see anything and my movement causes the 8 huge doe eyes to take one last look my way, then bolt in a line, towards the western woods, 4 white tails waving goodbye.
This is my ongoing project, watching the ice melt, the creatures forage and anticipate the coming of spring, that in some years past, I was certain would never return. And yet here it is, a lifeline. This beautiful, sunny warmth I can feel in my heart is much appreciated and ignites my hope that humanity can indeed heal.

Tricia Schwaba April 26, 2020