The Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice is the time for inward reflection. For hibernating and contemplation. How do you feel about your life? Are there shifts you need to make for complete integration of all your personal strengths— you being the fullest version of yourself? The most loving version? Even after the longest night of the year the sun always rises. Light is always shed. That may feel miraculous, as dark nights of the soul feel endless. But they are not.
Take good care, hunker down and ask yourself— “What can I do for myself this coming year that will nourish and motivate me in this very complicated time in humanity’s evolution?” You are needed— required— an integral part of the whole. Take this time, of more darkness than light, to feel your inner compass and follow what suits your life today and let no one deter you. It is truly the most selfless thing you can do because an empowered woman is this world’s most valuable treasure.
And guess what? The days are getting longer.

Tricia, 12/21/2022