The Energy Codes-- Dr. Sue Morter,

“Dr. Valerie Hunt at UCLA was the first to discover the relationship between changes in our biofield and our health, and she determined that problems in the body actually start in the energy field. “Until now,” she said, “many human diseases have been characterized as ‘etiology unknown.’ In other words, the cause of the disease could not be determined, and therefore the only possible treatment was alleviation of symptoms. But physiological symptoms appear because of the field disturbance. If we correct the disturbance in the field, the symptoms disappear and we have been healed. If we treat the symptoms directly, then when a stressful situation once more aggravates the incoherent energy that is the source of the problem, the disease condition returns.””

— The Energy Codes: The 7-Step System to Awaken Your Spirit, Heal Your Body, and Live Your Best Life by Sue Morter