Tricia Short Story

What Do You Do? -- A Revelation

So what do you do?

I’m a teacher. 

Right, but what do you do?

I teach.

Ok well, let’s put it this way, what do you do for yourself?

I’m not sure what you mean. What do I do for myself?


I go to the health club.

And what do you do there? What do you get out of that?

Well I go on the treadmill, then I lift some weights and I go into the sauna sometimes. 

I guess maybe the question I want answered is who are you?

I don’t know what that means? Who am I— I don’t get it. 

Ok, what do you believe is important in life. How do you nurture yourself?

Well like I said I go to the health club.

Ok, have a good day. 

Now that? I understand. Ok I will, you too. 

Tricia Schwaba, from the archives

Finishing Her Cry-- A Short Story

A woman sits crying, heavy head in hands— heaving sobs of release.

Another woman with similar appearance approaches questioning, then demanding flippantly “Oh what’s the matter now? Stop your crying!”

The crier lifts her head. “Why would you demand I stop doing the very thing that will help me most?  You don’t care about me. You can go fuck the fuck off.” She finishes her cry, dabs her eyes and walks away smiling.

Tricia Schwaba 11/22