

And now let us welcome the New Year
Full of things that have never been.
— Rainer Maria Rilke
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“January, the month of new beginnings and cherished memories, beckons. Come, let winter weave her wondrous spell: cold crisp, woolen-muffler days, long dark evenings of savory suppers, lively conversations, or solitary joys. Outside the temperature drops as the snow falls softly. All of nature is at peace. We should be too. Draw hearthside. This is the month to dream, to look forward to the year ahead and journey within.”

From Simple Abundance A Daybook of Comfort & Joy Sarah Ban Breathnach

It's All Potential

The snow fell last night covering all with a pristine blanket of white, fresh, without carved paths. Previously designated routes have disappeared. It’s all potential. I sit inside with my hot tea watching as the wind whips the flakes into a horizontal frenzy. It reminds me of snowfalls I have experienced in the past, one standing out for offering a moment of profound stillness and silence, the subsequent clarity, cutting right through any doubt that we are divine creatures, and another stimulating persistent, visceral signs of desperation and fear, a lack of control, a spinning, wheels no longer gripping, surrender the only certainty. This snow, this particular morning is peaceful and welcoming. It calls to me, “Dare to take that first step, Seep in your own sensual acuity and witness the stark beauty that is merely a reflection of the blank canvas in front of you.”

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