Chakra Series
Energetic Hooks
Recognizing them. Releasing them.
Saturday Feb 12
1:30 - 4pm
What you will learn:
—Basic Energy Anatomy
—Locations of chakras and their physical/emotional connections
—What, where, who are your most stubborn hooks?
—Techniques to un-hook
• comfortable set up for information intake & note taking.
• space to stretch out
• willingness to be the observer of your own patterns
• computer, tablet or laptop for Zoom
Step into the mystery of your energetic self
Chakra Workshop
Tricia Schwaba
Tricia is a Writer, Teacher, Mystic, Healing Touch Practitioner and Muscle Geek. Her healing journey began with an injury in 1990 that led her down a path she has not veered from since. She ran a successful Massage Therapy practice on the north shore of Chicago for 25+ years before bringing her wisdom to the mat. She created and ran Bright Blue Sage Yoga & Wellness in Buffalo Grove, IL. for 4 years. She now focuses on empowering others to know and love themselves holistically.
Tricia teaches her healing philosophy live, and online through yoga and workshops. She has a private practice in her own healing space where she guides individuals, one on one, towards strength, balance and vitality. She speaks and writes on all things HEALING.