Spontaneous Contemplation

I want you to ask yourself “What are your daily practices of which you may be unaware?”

Do your shoulders fold slightly forward?

Do you shift one hip upwards bringing imbalance to your lower spine?

Do you have a continuing drama playing in your head?

Do you sit, repeatedly crossing right leg over left, inhibiting flow to different parts of each leg?

We tend to think of practices as intentional & positive— things we choose to do that nourish.

That is true and I encourage those.

But in reality bad habits are nothing more than depleting practices of which we are unaware.

Pay attention— honor your being by eliminating negative postural patterns and draining mindsets that deplete.

Observe without judgment.

Recognize the inclinations and begin to shift away from the detrimental, and towards the nourishing.

It will take time— changes that hold usually do.

Slowly but surely bad habits fade and are replaced with intentional practices that honor and nourish.

You will feel uplifted.

The “whole” of you will rejoice!

I promise.

Be good to yourself…………………… Tricia