There are moments when life scares the shit out of me and there are moments when I fall to my knees in gratitude for the beauty that graces my life.
My guess? That’s not going to end. The “life scaring the shit out of me” piece will continue, maybe in different contexts as I move forward. I”m guessing that fear will live on until I return to whence I came and hopefully I can find out the scoop, if that’s what you do when you leave… who knows?
The way I see it, no one knows except those who have, literally, died then come back to life. Them? I trust. The others who claim to have the ear of God so “Please send me your money”— those guys? I don’t trust. How long have they been scamming people? Since the onset of time it seems. But the wise amongst us, who trust inner guidance rather than an outside source with selfish intentions, know that no one knows. We won’t know until we’re gone— for good. And maybe not even then. Maybe we’re never gone for good :O Again no one can tell us and I run from those who try.
Until my time comes I’ll hope for the best, keep the candle lit and be prepared when the shit comes flying. ‘Cause it will. You know it will. And that’s okay.
Have a good one and set an example—
Be good to yourself.
In a Bad Mood?
Photo by Elliott Aaron From
Listen to some music to change your mood.
Take a walk to change your mood.
Go to a bakery and take in the scent to change your mood.
Eat something delicious to change your mood.
Take in the beauty of someone you love to change your mood.
Feel the essence of who you are to change your mood.
Help someone in need to change your mood.
Tell someone you love them to change your mood.
Love yourself more to change your mood.
Practice gratitude to change your mood.
You get the idea…
Tricia Schwaba August 31, 2023
It Really Is All About Love-- Summer Session Closing Thoughts
I leave you with these thoughts as we venture into the coolness of autumn
Take what you practice on the mat— off the mat— and into your life
Deep breaths, long limbs, lifted crowns, rooted stances that steady your days
Take your long spine and empowered core with you as you travel
Sink deep into the Earth when you feel untethered
Lift your crown to the heavens affirming the connection to all that is
Take your strength and flexibility into the most heated of days
Let your vibrancy be contagious, shining it when humanity feels dull
Lead with an open heart
Let your love spill out and heal this imperfect world.
And please remember, for this day and the days ahead—
It really is all about love.
Tricia Schwaba— August 30, 2023
Spontaneous Contemplation
I want you to ask yourself “What are your daily practices of which you may be unaware?”
Do your shoulders fold slightly forward?
Do you shift one hip upwards bringing imbalance to your lower spine?
Do you have a continuing drama playing in your head?
Do you sit, repeatedly crossing right leg over left, inhibiting flow to different parts of each leg?
We tend to think of practices as intentional & positive— things we choose to do that nourish.
That is true and I encourage those.
But in reality bad habits are nothing more than depleting practices of which we are unaware.
Pay attention— honor your being by eliminating negative postural patterns and draining mindsets that deplete.
Observe without judgment.
Recognize the inclinations and begin to shift away from the detrimental, and towards the nourishing.
It will take time— changes that hold usually do.
Slowly but surely bad habits fade and are replaced with intentional practices that honor and nourish.
You will feel uplifted.
The “whole” of you will rejoice!
I promise.
Be good to yourself…………………… Tricia
I Choose To Find My Own Way Home
I could have found my own way home. Instead I chose to follow those who have no sense of love at all. No sense of respect, so laden down are they with their pretty images of self. They who find life a competition to be won, a game to be played, rather than a love to be shared or support to be offered. Indeed, I found myself once again in a divinely granted situation (aren’t they all my dear?) dropped into a hopeful situation filled with options and potential. “Sit, nourish yourself” I heard the choir singing— “Sink into your wholeness.” I instead clung to the oh so familiar— the who do you think you are?!— the cowering at the idea of self-empowerment— the how dare you?!— so easy are they. Anything but deciding— Who Am I? Anything but I Am…
Another piece of gold laid at my feet, I wandered away like a good little 60 year old girl, feeling the sweet familiarity of depletion. I was abandoned once again. By myself.
I awaken with a shifted perspective, the stubborn pattern of self sabotage, so brutally etched into, me falling away— an avalanche of emotional debris cleared— the mountain of my individuality solid, uncluttered, shining in the rising sun. My root untangled I cast my sight into the dark blue inky color of vision- the color of the sweet unknown— the color of the limitless. I sense the, no longer fleeting, beauty of love granting me the sight to see into and through all that is.
In my waking hours, in the throes of clarity, crown lifting, root sinking in, heart open —
I choose to find my own way home.
Tricia 5 13 20 23— SEVEN
Spontaneous Contemplation
The path to clarity is incredibly foggy.