Where i'm From

Where I'm From

I am from Chicago

The concrete bastion of the Midwest.

I am from Catholics

One whose faith withered one whose faith smothered.

I am from Sunday night political discussions

Hippies versus squares

I am from music

Ragtime, classical, rock’n’roll, opera

I am from limbs long tired and weary

Strong and persistent

I am from beer and marijuana 

Believing there are no obstacles. 

I am from doubt and hesitation 

Believing I can do nothing

I am from vegetarian creations 

And lamb cooking with mesquite. 

I am from softball, basketball

Golf, swimming & volleyball

Running bases, around the world

Bounce or fly and red light, green light.

I am from the clarity of the Northwood’s night sky

And the roots of the mighty pines

I am from reveling in the spring-fed waters

Of nature’s liquid healing

I am from red wine and potato chips

Cheese crisps, smoothies

I am from trampolines and dance floors

Back-flips and pirouettes

I am from the rhythm of the universe 

Tempting my lithe body into profound symbols

I am from love everlasting

& Eternal gratification.

Tricia Schwaba Poetry