All I feel is angst
But I know I can release it
Cause she’s blood & bones
Deciding is tough
Ending with a screaming child
For I grew up and she did not
Go with angels above
Hold me close to your heart
I love you despite my rage
Just tell me where I am now
Know that we are so different
Lest we believe we are of the same cloth
My heart is cool to you
Now I would like that to change
Out go the doubt and fear though
Pleasing to the ego
Queer as that may sound
Real is my attempt to clear
So I tell you here I am free
This tie has loosened
Up to heavens I throw my resistance
Very much into the shifting winds
Whilst I float free in the breeze
X ray my soul, lose all judgement
Yes to all that is, staying
Zen as I can be.
Tricia Schwaba, 2019
Source: Anon