Gilda Radner quote on being a woman.
I’d much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they are first to be rescued off sinking ships
Speak the Truth and Lose the Weight
One of the best things we can do for our good health is speak the truth— plain and simple. If we stuff words when we know we should free them they turn toxic, weighing us down. Speak your mind with strength, compassion and cleansing of self as motivations and feel your vitality soar. I’ll do the same. My guess is that we’re going to feel whole lot lighter.
Katherine May, from her book Enchantment
Mindfulness Also Called "Wise Attention"
Alan Watts
Maria Popova-- The Marginalian
Desiderata-- Max Ehrmann
Sits Bones-- Ischial Tuberosity & Surrounding Tissue
When we sit for along periods of time there is a lot of persistent pressure on the sits bones (ischial tuberosity) and the supportive tissue. It can get very angry even stuck. It’s important to bring some energy and movement to the area to stimulate blood flow through movement, massage and using your own body weight for gentle compression of the attachments. The Hamstrings is one muscle group that is hugely effected when there is stagnation or resistance in this posterior hip area.
I love this Nick Cave Quote!
Wind Sounds
Muscle Education-- Tensor Fasciae Latae Muscle
The Tensor Fasciae Latae (TFL) muscle is a bilateral hip stabilizer, which also assists in hip abduction (moving the leg away from the midpoint). A strained or stagnant TFL can cause trigger point pain and sometimes, since not all the fibers may be firing adequately, can give you the feeling that your hip “gives out”. A skilled myofascial therapist can help you identify the muscle and together you can discover if the culprit (or one of the culprits) of you hip discomfort is indeed the TFL. You can self-access it with a foam roller if you are an adventurous explorer and can shape your body into the proper positions to adequately get enough body weight pressure onto this hip stabilizer. A Muscle Stick can also work wonders.
Questions? Feel free to email me from this site or at and we can together shed more light on this key muscle in hip health.
Remember— muscles like oxygen and hydration and to be passively massaged/compressed to keep full pranic and blood flow. You have the power to keep your muscles healthy and happy— but first you must get to know and love them!
Sending love & healing your way.
Tricia :)
Paul Orfalea Quote
“In your 20’s you really do care about what people think about you. You get to be 40 & you really don’t care what people think about you. Then you get to be 60, and you realize no one thought of you in the first place.”