women are saving the world
ELizabeth Gilbert
RBG Quote
Shirley Chisolm
It wasn’t a cool breeze like that on an evening in the Northwoods
But a fear- laden, icy attempt to freeze her own discomfort
She plays hide-and-seek with her bitchiness finding it in those
Convenient times when faced with reality of her past actions
I see her— she cowers at the thought of attempted healing
I know her— she shrinks at the thought of contrition
I’ve been there— that land of self pity
It is rocky, cold
No good can take seed and grow
Feigning comfort, she keeps herself wrapped
In a fluffy blanket of deception harboring her delusions
And only those that validate them
With her self-loathing she deceives
Not others as is her intention
Only herself
She is me before I soaked in the warmth of my flawed life
That now brims with love
Tricia Schwaba
An Ethereal Shout
Here I am standing— over 7 decades old
Wondering if I’ll clear all the hurdles
My pace has been steady up to this point
And my dreams have yet to curdle
I know of others in this same class
That have fallen to their knees
Their hearts, their livers, or their wills give out
No longer able to appease
The terrain gets rocky at unexpected bends
Storms stir up after making tough amends
Must breathe into pain, stretch away from doubt
Finish the race with an ethereal shout
I know I’ll swirl in the freedom of knowing
Any nagging doubts were amiss
It was really about trusting my guts lead
And never shunning the bliss
The segments of my life well lived
Will travel well beyond me
I’ll climb onto the medal stand
As the Gold is laid upon me
Now I’m a free flying spirit,
No chains of humanity bind me
Will I move up with a cosmic thrust
Or will the next plane unwind me?
We’ll see
Tricia Schwaba, 2024
"Life pulls things out of you..."
John Gardner
Spinal Range of Motion
John Cage: Nothing
Where I'm From
I am from Chicago
The concrete bastion of the Midwest.
I am from Catholics
One whose faith withered one whose faith smothered.
I am from Sunday night political discussions
Hippies versus squares
I am from music
Ragtime, classical, rock’n’roll, opera
I am from limbs long tired and weary
Strong and persistent
I am from beer and marijuana
Believing there are no obstacles.
I am from doubt and hesitation
Believing I can do nothing
I am from vegetarian creations
And lamb cooking with mesquite.
I am from softball, basketball
Golf, swimming & volleyball
Running bases, around the world
Bounce or fly and red light, green light.
I am from the clarity of the Northwood’s night sky
And the roots of the mighty pines
I am from reveling in the spring-fed waters
Of nature’s liquid healing
I am from red wine and potato chips
Cheese crisps, smoothies
I am from trampolines and dance floors
Back-flips and pirouettes
I am from the rhythm of the universe
Tempting my lithe body into profound symbols
I am from love everlasting
& Eternal gratification.
Tricia Schwaba Poetry
Yoga mats ready to go!
See you on the mat.
No matter what path each of us chooses to travel, the goal is to spread love— of that I am certain.
Art Source: J Perrin Falquet
And On This Journey
“And on this winding journey called life these broken roads of joy & strife from place to place and home to home, the seeds of creativity are planted and grow.”
John Berger on Loss
The Wisdom She Holds
Oh my God! My thighs they touch
How can one handle so much?
The norm beloved, is space in between
One’s upper legs, you know what I mean.
This quest we’re on, this path never ends
The one that is dictated by rich white men.
They make the rules, create the solutions
The quick fix ones, offering no resolution.
But we buy and believe and believe and buy
Until we realize it’s all been a lie
On that day seeds of freedom are planted
That’s the time that release is granted
Free from the grip of society’s norm
We travel with truth into the eye of the storm
To experience the peace that is blessedly bestowed
On the aging woman and the wisdom she holds.
Tricia Schwaba Poetry
I wrote this piece when I heard, not so long ago, that women (young or old apparently) are now being encouraged to be thin enough so that their thighs don’t touch. This bothered me as much as any of the other societal “beauty” standards that circulate throughout our society. We are all different, with different bodies, ideas and intentions. Let’s keep it real shall we?
You Care
Release control 💚💙
Sunrise on Planting Ground 🌞
Want to heal?
Own your shit 💃
You Are Allowed
Source- Anon