Brian Andreas on Lessons
Brian Andreas
Yoga Closing 10/12/20
Brian Andres from his book, Something Like Magic
Yoga Closing 9/25/2020, Brian Andreas
Yoga Prayer 9/8/2020
“I sat in the garden that night & I thought about the most important thing for me. That we love & are loved. All the time in every moment, no matter how it looks to other eyes that don’t remember quite yet. That’s why I think remembering is one of the most important things we can do right now. It’s how we stop & see the world again for the very first time. In all of its aching beauty & joy & pain. the immensity of all of it. It’s how we open to being loved wildly & deliciously until we are filled beyond anything we ever thought we could hold.”
Brian Andreas, Something Like Magic
Yoga Closing 7/13/20
There is a perfectly still moment right
before dawn, when the sun gathers itself
& then steps into the dark world & everything
is so filled with light that any doubts
from that long night are barely a memory.
It is the way of all things that
the night ends and the light returns.
The light always returns.
Brian Andreas, from Something Like Magic
Brian Andreas, Old Rules
Yoga Closing 27 20
Art Source: Anon
“I don’t know how long I can do this, he said. I think the universe has different plans for me & we sat there in silence & I thought to myself that this is the thing that we all come to & this is the thing we all fight & if we are lucky enough to lose, our lives become beautiful with mystery again & I sat there silent because that is not something that can be said.”"
Brian Andreas, Yoga Closing 2/24/20
Let yourself go.
Brian Andreas on Mistakes
Source: Brian Andreas