Holy Ground, Yoga Closing Reading 2/3/2020
It will gestate, the light within
Evolve, expand, breathe out, breathe in
Eventually releasing the ties that bind
Revealing the jewel that that glows in kind
Shining bright through clouds and storms
The Earth embraces, the heavens it forms
The cool that transcends the heat the fuel
That keeps you going on into the blue.
See the beauty through the wrath
Feel the grace of the forgiving path
View the splendor as you walk
Each foot down no need to talk
Life the gift, is felt within
Your inner sanctum a way to begin
To witness blessings all around
A divine uncovering of holy ground
Tricaa Schwaba 2020
Curves of Compassion
Burst open heart of mine
I am ready
For all that is contained within
To come out
And spill onto the Earth
Nourishing the flow
And transform sharp angles
Into curves of compassion
And perfect particles of prana
Tricia Schwaba 2020
Langston Hughes
It Is
Tell me again what I mean to you
Tell me you love my smile.
Tell me again why you fought for me
When I resisted through so many trials.
Tell me it will be okay and that
Fear will stop crushing these days.
Tell me you’re here and all is well
That I can rest in the calm of your bay.
Tell me what you are doing right now
Are you watching from far up above?
Tell me once and for all about life
Is it really all about love?
And she replies,
“It is.”
Tricia Schwaba 2020
The Laughing Buddha
Eric Butterworth Quote
“Your most important asset is the conscious control of your own life”
— Spiritual Economics
The Journey by Mary Oliver
All I feel is angst
But I know I can release it
Cause she’s blood & bones
Deciding is tough
Ending with a screaming child
For I grew up and she did not
Go with angels above
Hold me close to your heart
I love you despite my rage
Just tell me where I am now
Know that we are so different
Lest we believe we are of the same cloth
My heart is cool to you
Now I would like that to change
Out go the doubt and fear though
Pleasing to the ego
Queer as that may sound
Real is my attempt to clear
So I tell you here I am free
This tie has loosened
Up to heavens I throw my resistance
Very much into the shifting winds
Whilst I float free in the breeze
X ray my soul, lose all judgement
Yes to all that is, staying
Zen as I can be.
Tricia Schwaba, 2019
Charitra Sree Senthill Kumar on Shaming
“People who shame others- body, skin color, intelligence, be it anything- are people who have not been able to live up to there own expectations. Don’t be mad at them. Pity them.”
Charitra Sree Senthill Kumar
Focus of the Day
Relating &
are my focus today.
Gandhi on Health
The Wisdom She Holds
Oh my God, my thighs they touch!
How can a human handle this much?
The norm beloved, is space in between
Your upper legs, you know what I mean.
On this fool’s quest, the path never ends
The one that’s laid out by so many men.
They make the rules, create the solutions.
The quick fix ones with no true resolution.
But we buy and believe, believe and buy
Realizing finally it’s all been a lie.
That’s when seeds of freedom are planted
The moment in time release is granted
Free from the grip of society’s norm
We sit with truth in the eye of the storm
Experiencing peace so blessedly bestowed
On the evolving woman and the wisdom she holds.
Tricia Schwaba, 2020
James Baldwin
“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.”
Woman and the Moon
Source: Yen
Change V Transition
Writing is so fucking hard.
Stayed Too Long
Stayed too long
Went too far
Said too much
Loved too little
Tricia Schwaba, 2015
As I Age
I am not impressed by the common celebrity. I am not interested in she whose predestined circumstances, granted by virtue of financial fortune, influence of the powerful or superficial attributes have carried her into the spotlight. It is not she, who has had privilege round every corner of her life whom I hold in high esteem, but she who has had nothing much at all, and still prevails. She who impresses me, is the person who despite the weight of her load moves forward with grace and kindness, exhibiting unimaginable stamina. She who has but just enough to live, sometimes less, yet goes on living with joy and appreciation. She has no time or tolerance for an unabashed ego, no need for a massive house to display things she doesn’t touch or rooms that go unused. She is the wise one, the teacher, It is she who understands the true burden of human-ness. It is she I want to talk to. It is she that is the goddess. It is she that I wish we will all, one day, celebrate.
Tricia Schwaba, 2020