Yoga Prayer 9/8/2020

I sat in the garden that night & I thought about the most important thing for me. That we love & are loved. All the time in every moment, no matter how it looks to other eyes that don’t remember quite yet. That’s why I think remembering is one of the most important things we can do right now. It’s how we stop & see the world again for the very first time. In all of its aching beauty & joy & pain. the immensity of all of it. It’s how we open to being loved wildly & deliciously until we are filled beyond anything we ever thought we could hold.

Brian Andreas, Something Like Magic

Nothing More

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I feel a rush as I take in the air 

I’m approaching the North and my nostrils they flare. 

I’m a racehorse trapped in the starting gate tight

Hearing the gunshot it’s time to take flight. 

I shake off the saddle & break from the reins 

Freedom from both limitation and pain

Skimming the Earth my spirit it soars

With grace and excitement, I need nothing more.

Tricia Schwaba August 2020

Bridle the Beast, From the Archives

Art Source:

Art Source:

It’s the piece that stays with you 

The one that won’t leave

The annoying brat that 

Tugs at your sleeve

The haunting memory 

That painful episode

The awkward rendezvous

That makes your head explode.

That which stays with you 

Is the thing to examine

To gain some insight 

To shift what will happen

So instead of the torment

You are blessed with release

Make peace with your past

Bridle the beast

From that moment on 

Your days you may find 

More peaceful and freer

As the tension unwinds

You may be astounded 

By the expanse it creates

The gray of despair 

Now colored with grace. 

Tricia Schwaba, 2011

Yoga Closing 7/31/20

art source: Anon

art source: Anon

The buddhists speak of developing an abiding calm. A centeredness that is unshakeable. Like a tall tree so rooted in the Earth that great winds cannot topple it. This for me is the image of contentment. It means not riding the waves of the ups and downs of life. It means that we not only agree to what is in the moment, we welcome it. It means that in all the noise and demands of modernity, we stay in the abiding calm center. This is the mastery of life that contentment invites us into. The practice of gratitude and “non-seeking” can help us stay rooted in this jewel.

From Deborah Adele’s book The Yamas and the Niyamas

Bring Out Your Voice, From the archive.

art source: Anon

art source: Anon

Bring out your voice

We have no choice

We can manifest change

Rid the world of the deranged

Don’t be the one to cower

Take cover when it starts to shower

Be the one soaked to the bone

Whose stamina stands alone. 

The wind howls, the branches creak

This world it seems, is not for the meek

In times like these might’s in demand

No choice but for you to take a stand.

Tricia Schwaba, 2020

Clear Bright Blue

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I venture into the gray of the morn,
offering a dreary day.

My thoughts though, are vibrant, clear bright blue,
a nudge from my angels I pray.

Living this life is a match sometimes;
the dark can slam me to the ground. 

A shift in perspective is the merciful unwinding
of all the fear I have bound. 

The farther I venture from the day I was born
the brighter my purpose it shines,

Appreciation for the day before me
& gratitude for this life that is mine.  

Tricia Schwaba June 2020