My Safe Pocket

art source:

art source:

I sit in my safe pocket of this ailing planet

Want to gain insight, take nothing for granted

I shiver at the notion that I may appear 

To be grasping at straws that aren’t really there.

This insistent urge prompts me to sustain

This practice that leaves me naked, in pain

The notion that for some I may seem trite

Is one I wrestle with in the middle of night.

Yet go on, I do, at the risk of revealing

How distant I am from the exquisite healing.

My scars are many and I pretend not to see

My forgiving reflection as it stares back at me.

Those times I was cruel, thought myself above

The truth clear now, too far from self love

God takes my heart and breaks it wide open

It’s contents spill out stiff and frozen

My pains and regrets so tender and raw.

With warmth of love & acceptance, they thaw.

Tricia Schwaba May 2020

Tender Mercy

art source: anon

art source: anon

Tender mercy offered in kind

Focus the vision follow the signs 

Feel the beat resonance sweet

Rhythmic redemption cooling the heat

Energy in particles energy in waves

Soothe the sorrow karma erased

Open the portal to a new perspective

Colors alive, gratitude reflected

Mystery in tact walk through the door

And Earthly desires are burdens no more.

Tricia Schwaba, July 2020


Yoga Closing 7/17/20 Shakti Gawain

artwork source: Sherry Mayle

artwork source: Sherry Mayle

“As channels for the Universe, we must have available, a full range of expression and emotion. If the higher power tells us to leap, we must be able to leap without stopping to ask questions. If it tells us to wait, we must be able to relax and enjoy the space of non-activity until the next message comes. We will always be pushed to explore aspects of ourselves that are less developed to express and experience ourselves in new ways. If we ignore these inner impulses we will be forced by external life circumstances to explore our inner being anyway. One way or another our higher self makes sure that we get the message of what we have to do. We may have to go from one extreme to the other until we come into balance.
You can expect that your intuition will lead you in directions that are new and different for you. If you are comfortable in one type of personality or pattern, you will probably be asked to start expressing the opposite. It’s good to know this, especially when you’re in the process of learning to hear your inner voice. A good rule might be to, expect the unexpected.”

Clear Bright Blue

Screen Shot 2020-07-15 at 1.02.45 PM.png

I venture into the gray of the morn,
offering a dreary day.

My thoughts though, are vibrant, clear bright blue,
a nudge from my angels I pray.

Living this life is a match sometimes;
the dark can slam me to the ground. 

A shift in perspective is the merciful unwinding
of all the fear I have bound. 

The farther I venture from the day I was born
the brighter my purpose it shines,

Appreciation for the day before me
& gratitude for this life that is mine.  

Tricia Schwaba June 2020

A False Arrest

art source: anon

art source: anon

Clarity is my noble quest

As I find myself put to the test

Another’s made a false arrest

Traditional connections become compressed

Words are hurled at her behest

They rebound off my bulletproof vest

Discarded bruises, so tender yet

I salve them with my raw regret

Oxygen drains can’t catch a breath

How to mend this temporary death

Or maybe I just hop a jet

And soar to heights; close all bets.

That won’t do, some things are set

There’s no escape hatch, no deep breath

I grant her all her things possessed 

And fling to sea this past-filled net

I keep in mind my life is blessed

I can’t fix things that I don’t mess

So I circle round & fluff my nest

With truth & sins already confessed

Tricia Schwaba, from the archives, circa 2015

Creative Streak Sparks

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art source

We need your voice, don’t hide in the closet

Your creative streak mines a valuable deposit

In the coffers of the Earth and the great human spirit

Can you feel it, smell it, taste it, can you hear it?

The days of self doubt and tamping down are through

You are needed to help the collective pull through

This sludge of the patriarchal nightmare breaks down

Revealing an equity we’re peacefulness-bound

Bring out your truth, your words, your kindness

Your spontaneous true heart, let yourself find this

The energy that keeps us all afloat 

Must come from dispelling the fears by rote

Say what you feel, dive into that pool

Be free to tell the tale, be daring, be cool

The only way to uncover this prosperous bliss

Is to speak out in tumultuous times like this.

Tricia Schwaba, June 2020

Yoga Closing June 3, 2020

art source: Anon

art source: Anon

“This relationship between the internal and external environment is an intimate one. Survival depends upon a harmonious interaction, in order that our very precise homeostatic limits are satisfied…
In a healthy state the organs interact harmoniously and transform chi into energy states appropriate for the body’s life sustaining functions. Yin and yang are in relative balance, chi freely circulates through the organs, and meridians and nourishes all cells and tissues of the body.” James Hackett